Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India

The proposal for a mixed-use community development sits on a site comprised of 72 acres of land, surrounded by several other residential developments. The master planning project aims to create a self-sufficient town, specifically focused on organised development rather than unorganised sprawl.

Grain Collective was brought in to create a landscape vision plan and guidelines for the development.

Researching into the history of the expansive area highlighted how important water to the site. The network of water storage tanks and pits was paramount the the landscape narrative and influenced the structure of Green streets, Swales and the Retention storage pond. The infrastructure that was created aims to maintain a green and healthy series of parks and public spaces throughout the neighbourhood. 

Vision plan prepared for Pioneer Asia Group. 2014



Client: Pioneer Asia Group

Masterplanning: Architecture RED

Landscape Architects: Grain Collective

All work displayed was undertaken in collaboration with Jaime Macfarlane for Grain Collective. 

Images provided by David Sullivan. All rights reserved.